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Extreme Weight Loss Tips That Will Rip the Fat Straight Off Your Body!

Are you looking for some extreme weight loss tips?  If you want to see a massive change in your physical appearance in a short period of time, some extreme weight loss tips might be up your alley.  Do keep in mind that the more drastic the tip, the harder it will be to execute and stick to though:

1.  Take Up Atkins
If you want to get shredded really fast, you need to restrict your carbohydrate intake down to 0 and instead raise your fat intake a great deal.  This is known as the Atkins diet.  It is not an easy diet to maintain because it leaves you grumpy and tired, but if you can stick to it, you will see some serious weight loss in a relatively short amount of time.

 serious weight loss

2.  Do Double The Cardio
Again, if you want to see massive weight loss, don't just do 1 cardio session, double up!  By exercising twice each day, you will burn twice the calories.  Additionally, it is said that working out on an empty stomach means you will burn fat stores rather than the food in your stomach for energy.

3.  Don't Cheat, Ever
If you really want to make a change in your body, forget about eating any cheat foods, for good.  Don't eat another pizza or taco until you attain your goal weight.  If you can do this, you will reach your goal a lot faster but it sure is a challenge.


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