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Diet Plan For Women Weight Loss

Here's a simple diet plan for women. Weight loss should come pretty easy if you follow this or make just a few adjustments. Nothing complicated here... just take the next 2 minutes to read this to get an idea on what you have to do for some serious weight loss.

Diet Plan for Women Weight Loss
1. Breakfast
Have a protein shake with some cottage cheese in it. Also have a low calorie yogurt or 2 pieces of fruit. This will give you the necessary protein and energy to start the day out right. There's some flexibility here. So don't feel like you're limited. Lots of choices and flavors you can mix and match here.

serious weight loss
2. Lunch
Go with a soup or salad and make sure it has at least 20 grams of protein in it
Soups and salads are great for filling people up. But they're missing something usually. What? PROTEIN. By adding protein, you're making a meal out of it. Again, lots of choices here. Don't get hung up on just 1 thing. You have options. You won't get bored if you think creatively.

3. Dinners
A lean meat with 2 side dishes of vegetables is ideal. More good protein while having some healthy vegetables. Oh, one thing. Make sure 1 of the vegetables is NOT potatoes. Potatoes are a starchy carb and they spike your blood sugar too much. So it's best to avoid them.

4. Snacks
Stick with apples and bananas. You can't go wrong with these. You have no excuses either since apples and bananas are easy to bring anywhere.
Look, this basic diet plan for women weight loss is simple and uncomplicated and it'll give you all the nutrition you want, while also giving you a burst of energy all while you're losing weight. Don't just think about doing this... DO IT NOW.

Serious Weight Loss!

Here is a serious weight loss technique you can use... basically RIGHT NOW. Look, you're probably busy, you're tired, you may have a ton of stress coming at you from every which way, etc. I get it. Weight loss isn't easy when you factor in the realities of life... so I'm going to make this mindlessly easy for you.

Serious Weight Loss...
Give me 20 seconds for pounds to be thrown off your body.
Can you do that? Just 20 measly seconds. That's not asking for much, is it? Ok, then here's what I want you to do. Do your normal shower routine whatever that is. Once you're done, don't turn off the water and get out. Instead, what I want you to do is to turn the water to really cold and rinse it all over your body for the next 20 seconds. Ah, that's the price for making this so short and simple.

Serious Weight Loss
Look, you don't have to tell me that cold showers suck. I already know it. That's why I did my best to make it so you can still lose weight without having to take a full shower. It's only 20 seconds. But being fat is for a lifetime.

Which is it going to be? Suffer for 20 seconds or be fat for the rest of your life?
Here's what's up with this. There's something called Thermogenesis. This is a fancy long word for "the body burning fat to maintain it's core temperature". Cold water puts your body in a PANIC which forces it into fat burning for "survival". It's a nice little trick that can have your body buring off fat for the next 5-10 hours.
This is a serious weight loss technique for those who are truly tired of being fat and want to finally take charge and slim down.

Extreme Weight Loss Tips That Will Rip the Fat Straight Off Your Body!

Are you looking for some extreme weight loss tips?  If you want to see a massive change in your physical appearance in a short period of time, some extreme weight loss tips might be up your alley.  Do keep in mind that the more drastic the tip, the harder it will be to execute and stick to though:

1.  Take Up Atkins
If you want to get shredded really fast, you need to restrict your carbohydrate intake down to 0 and instead raise your fat intake a great deal.  This is known as the Atkins diet.  It is not an easy diet to maintain because it leaves you grumpy and tired, but if you can stick to it, you will see some serious weight loss in a relatively short amount of time.

 serious weight loss

2.  Do Double The Cardio
Again, if you want to see massive weight loss, don't just do 1 cardio session, double up!  By exercising twice each day, you will burn twice the calories.  Additionally, it is said that working out on an empty stomach means you will burn fat stores rather than the food in your stomach for energy.

3.  Don't Cheat, Ever
If you really want to make a change in your body, forget about eating any cheat foods, for good.  Don't eat another pizza or taco until you attain your goal weight.  If you can do this, you will reach your goal a lot faster but it sure is a challenge.